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Massacre anuncia su nuevo álbum, “Necrolution”

Massacre anuncia su nuevo álbum, “Necrolution”

Recién salidos de un festival de verano, los veteranos del death metal estadounidense Massacre, encabezados por el antepasado del growl Kam Lee, han anunciado los detalles de su esperado quinto […]

Life of Agony estrena nuevo video en memoria de Brandon Lee

Life of Agony estrena nuevo video en memoria de Brandon Lee

Este año 2024 se cumple el 30 aniversario de la película original de The Crow, así como del estreno del polarizante remake protagonizado por Bill Skarsgård, Life of Agony se […]

Scorpions cancela su gira alemana de septiembre

Scorpions cancela su gira alemana de septiembre

Scorpions se han visto obligados a cancelar su próxima gira alemana, que estaba prevista en septiembre. El motivo ha sido “una lesión sufrida por Matthias Jabs que requiere cirugía y […]

Richie Kotzen comparte un adelanto de su nuevo trabajo discografico

Richie Kotzen comparte un adelanto de su nuevo trabajo discografico

El guitarrista, cantante, compositor y multiinstrumentista Richie Kotzen publicará su nuevo álbum de estudio en solitario, titulado “Nomad“, el 27 de septiembre a través de BMG, disponible en formato digital, […]

Linkin Park vuelve a los escenarios con cantante femenina

Linkin Park vuelve a los escenarios con cantante femenina

Por medio de una show especial en Los Ángeles, Linkin Park ha confirmado la vuelta a los escenarios, además de la presentación de un nuevo sencillo llamado “The Emptiness Machine” […]

Stillbirth confirma fecha en Madrid

Stillbirth confirma fecha en Madrid

El 6 de octubre, la Sala Silikona de Madrid será escenario de una potente noche de metal extremo con la presentación de dos bandas internacionales de renombre. Desde Alemania, Stillbirth […]

Aries Descendant muestran su nuevo single “Aflame The Cold” en forma de videoclip

Aries Descendant muestran su nuevo single “Aflame The Cold” en forma de videoclip

El dúo de metal Aries Descendant ha publicado el videoclip oficial de “Aflame The Cold”, corte que formará parte del álbum debut de la banda From the Ashes of Deceit […]

Aura Noir cancela su presentación en Candelabrum, reemplazará Sedimentum

Aura Noir cancela su presentación en Candelabrum, reemplazará Sedimentum

El festival anuncia sus horarios y para la sorpresa de muchos y muchas fanáticas del black thrash, la superband noruega Aura Noir, no podrá asistir a esta edición del festival […]

Estrenamos el nuevo video single de Driade

Estrenamos el nuevo video single de Driade

Driade ha invertido meses de trabajo y numerosas horas de ensayo para perfeccionar un álbum que definirá su identidad sonora. Tras el éxito de su primer single “Dorian Gray”, la […]

Godspeed You! Black Emperor editarán su próximo disco a comienzos de octubre

Godspeed You! Black Emperor editarán su próximo disco a comienzos de octubre

Uno de los emblemas del sonido post-rock como son los canadienses Godspeed You! Black Emperor han anunciado que su nuevo disco saldrá bajo el nombre de No Title as February […]

Our Hollow Our Home anuncian su separación tras 11 años de carrera
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Los británicos Our Hollow Our Home han sido una banda más que destacada en el metalcore moderno, quizás nunca llegaron al techo conseguido por compañeros como Architects, While She Sleeps o Bury Tomorrow, pero se ganaron su lugar en la escena a base de duro trabajo y largas horas en la carretera.

TAMBIÉN TE PUEDE INTERESAR: As I Lay Dying vuelven con su nuevo y potente single “The Cave We Fear To Enter”

Pero justamente esto ha hecho mella en el seno del grupo y ayer anunciaron que tras 11 años de carrera la banda se separa ya de manera definitiva y dejando atrás tres discos de estudio y un EP, amén de varias giras, incluyendo más de una visita a nuestro país, donde siempre fueron bien recibidos, pero nunca llegaron a las salas grandes como otros compañeros.

El comunicado oficial dice lo siguiente:

” I have chosen to put my personal statement here, as the last member of this band and as one of its founding member. But mainly because it’s difficult to convey 10 plus years without some personal context.

Like every member who has ever been a part of it, I have given everything I have to Our Hollow, Our Home. For me, that’s 10+ years. Through all the trials and tribulations, the blood sweat and many, many tears, somehow we made it this far, notably down to your love and support.
But life changes. Early this year, in February, my mother went in for a routine checkup but ended up in the hospital for the best part of four months, fighting for her life. She is now in a position where she needs me and my partner to help look after her. Throughout this, my band mates were incredible at helping me through what’s been a really difficult year—probably the worst since I lost my dad, if I’m honest. I am self-aware enough to know it’s made me difficult to be around at times, what should have been exciting and feel-good moments for us were affected by my negative spiralling headspace. I take ownership of that, and to Kieran, James, Gaz, and Matt, I am sorry you’ve had to deal with a side of me that I am not proud to have shown. I know I’m not always an easy person to work with, espeically in the creative sense, but sometimes you care so much that it’s really difficult to let someone else take the wheel, even when you probably should. A life lesson learned.
What we have created together, has become Our Hollow, Our Home’s fourth and final album. A record I am so proud to have been a part of. A record that wouldn’t have been possible without your support. I hope you still choose to listen to it. I think it’s some of the band’s best work, and I’m immensely proud of everyone for putting it together.
It goes without saying that this was probably the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make in my life, but I feel now is the right time for change. There is a level of guilt that is almost impossible to shake, feeling like you’re letting your bandmates, your team, and your fans down. I guess you never really know if you’re making the right decision until you make it, but this is something I need right now, and honestly, I am at peace with it.
To every member I’ve shared the stage with in this band, both past and present, I can’t thank you enough. Honestly, you all played a huge part in this journey.
To Mike, Maarten, Mar, James, Robin, Tobbe, Mark, Emma, Sky, Ollie, Dan, Anthony, and the countless others who have stood by this band, thank you.

“Holloween Returns” will go ahead as planned. Our Hollow, Our Home will be there, in one shape or form, to play and sing some of these songs together one last time. How we do that right now i dont know, but i am working on it.
All remaining merch is on sale to be cleared here:
I’ve lived my dreams, and I owe that all to you. To say that you, the fans, have kept me and this band going these past few years would be a huge understatement. You mean the world to me.
Thank you for giving me memories I’ll never, ever forget.
All my love,
Con lo que podemos deducir que la banda editará su último álbum y tras la gira, nos dirá adiós, pero solo podemos agradecerles esta década llena de buenas canciones y ojalá les vaya bien en lo que decidan hacer una vez cerrado este capítulo.
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Our Hollow Our Home anuncian su separación tras 11 años de carrera
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Los británicos Our Hollow Our Home han sido una banda más que destacada en el metalcore moderno, quizás nunca llegaron al techo conseguido por compañeros como Architects, While She Sleeps o Bury Tomorrow, pero se ganaron su lugar en la escena a base de duro trabajo y largas horas en la carretera.

TAMBIÉN TE PUEDE INTERESAR: As I Lay Dying vuelven con su nuevo y potente single “The Cave We Fear To Enter”

Pero justamente esto ha hecho mella en el seno del grupo y ayer anunciaron que tras 11 años de carrera la banda se separa ya de manera definitiva y dejando atrás tres discos de estudio y un EP, amén de varias giras, incluyendo más de una visita a nuestro país, donde siempre fueron bien recibidos, pero nunca llegaron a las salas grandes como otros compañeros.

El comunicado oficial dice lo siguiente:

” I have chosen to put my personal statement here, as the last member of this band and as one of its founding member. But mainly because it’s difficult to convey 10 plus years without some personal context.

Like every member who has ever been a part of it, I have given everything I have to Our Hollow, Our Home. For me, that’s 10+ years. Through all the trials and tribulations, the blood sweat and many, many tears, somehow we made it this far, notably down to your love and support.
But life changes. Early this year, in February, my mother went in for a routine checkup but ended up in the hospital for the best part of four months, fighting for her life. She is now in a position where she needs me and my partner to help look after her. Throughout this, my band mates were incredible at helping me through what’s been a really difficult year—probably the worst since I lost my dad, if I’m honest. I am self-aware enough to know it’s made me difficult to be around at times, what should have been exciting and feel-good moments for us were affected by my negative spiralling headspace. I take ownership of that, and to Kieran, James, Gaz, and Matt, I am sorry you’ve had to deal with a side of me that I am not proud to have shown. I know I’m not always an easy person to work with, espeically in the creative sense, but sometimes you care so much that it’s really difficult to let someone else take the wheel, even when you probably should. A life lesson learned.
What we have created together, has become Our Hollow, Our Home’s fourth and final album. A record I am so proud to have been a part of. A record that wouldn’t have been possible without your support. I hope you still choose to listen to it. I think it’s some of the band’s best work, and I’m immensely proud of everyone for putting it together.
It goes without saying that this was probably the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make in my life, but I feel now is the right time for change. There is a level of guilt that is almost impossible to shake, feeling like you’re letting your bandmates, your team, and your fans down. I guess you never really know if you’re making the right decision until you make it, but this is something I need right now, and honestly, I am at peace with it.
To every member I’ve shared the stage with in this band, both past and present, I can’t thank you enough. Honestly, you all played a huge part in this journey.
To Mike, Maarten, Mar, James, Robin, Tobbe, Mark, Emma, Sky, Ollie, Dan, Anthony, and the countless others who have stood by this band, thank you.

“Holloween Returns” will go ahead as planned. Our Hollow, Our Home will be there, in one shape or form, to play and sing some of these songs together one last time. How we do that right now i dont know, but i am working on it.
All remaining merch is on sale to be cleared here:
I’ve lived my dreams, and I owe that all to you. To say that you, the fans, have kept me and this band going these past few years would be a huge understatement. You mean the world to me.
Thank you for giving me memories I’ll never, ever forget.
All my love,
Con lo que podemos deducir que la banda editará su último álbum y tras la gira, nos dirá adiós, pero solo podemos agradecerles esta década llena de buenas canciones y ojalá les vaya bien en lo que decidan hacer una vez cerrado este capítulo.
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Metalkas Fest 2024, Día 2: “Extremismo sonoro”
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Crónica y fotos: Monro.vs El sábado 31 la jornada de conciertos comenzó con el trío thrashero Napalm Healer, que nos presentó un sonido devastador y con una gran complicidad entre […]

Domination en Buenos Aires: “Profeta en su tierra”
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Fotos: Facundo Rodriguez En un nuevo encuentro metalero, el pasado sábado 31 de agosto, con una jornada de intensa lluvia debido a la localmente llamada “Tormenta de Santa Rosa” y […]

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Entabeni (2024)
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Flotsam and Jetsam
I Am The Weapon (2024)
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Dark Tranquillity
Endtime Signals (2024)
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Blues Pills
Birthday (2024)

Metalkas Fest 2024, Día 2: “Extremismo sonoro”
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Crónica y fotos: Monro.vs El sábado 31 la jornada de conciertos comenzó con el trío thrashero Napalm Healer, que nos presentó un sonido devastador y con una gran complicidad entre […]

Domination en Buenos Aires: “Profeta en su tierra”
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Fotos: Facundo Rodriguez En un nuevo encuentro metalero, el pasado sábado 31 de agosto, con una jornada de intensa lluvia debido a la localmente llamada “Tormenta de Santa Rosa” y […]

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Entabeni (2024)
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Flotsam and Jetsam
I Am The Weapon (2024)
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Dark Tranquillity
Endtime Signals (2024)
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Blues Pills
Birthday (2024)