Tags: ""
- Posts con el TAG seleccionado: 3
1. Enter
2. Forgive
3. Believe Us
4. Leaving a Dream
5. Here I am
6. We Have Never Really Lived
7. Hope
8. Bright Behind Your Eyelids
9. Ascend!
10. Struggle
11. Drinking from the Gutters of Descension
12. We Are Free
13. A Distant Memory
14. Endless
15. From The Ashes
16. shekissedmewithhervenomouslips

Tags: ""
- Posts con el TAG seleccionado: 3

Working as a guitar technician for Mayhem, Mgła and Watain is no joke, but Michał “Neithan” Kiełbasa has always had the need to express himself through music with an avant-garde […]

Ser técnico de guitarras de Mayhem, Mgła y Watain no es poca cosa, pero Michał “Neithan” Kiełbasa siempre tuvo una necesidad personal de expresión musical, y con una actitud vanguardista. […]

1. Enter
2. Forgive
3. Believe Us
4. Leaving a Dream
5. Here I am
6. We Have Never Really Lived
7. Hope
8. Bright Behind Your Eyelids
9. Ascend!
10. Struggle
11. Drinking from the Gutters of Descension
12. We Are Free
13. A Distant Memory
14. Endless
15. From The Ashes
16. shekissedmewithhervenomouslips